[ANNOUNCE] Apache Mahout 0.13.0 Release
Andrew Musselman
2017-04-17 20:32:38 UTC
The Apache Mahout PMC is pleased to announce the release of Mahout 0.13.0.
Mahout's goal is to create an environment for quickly creating
machine-learning applications that scale and run on the highest-performance
parallel computation engines available. Mahout comprises an interactive
environment and library that support generalized scalable linear algebra
and include many modern machine-learning algorithms. This release ships
some major changes from 0.12.2 including computation on GPUs and a
simplified framework for building new algorithms.

To get started with Apache Mahout 0.13.0, download the release artifacts
and signatures from http://www.apache.org/dist/mahout/0.13.0/.

Many thanks to the contributors and committers who were part of this


Mahout-Samsara has implementations for these generalized concepts:

* In-core matrices backed by ViennaCL [3] providing in some cases speedups
of an order of magnitude.
* A JavaCPP bridge to native/GPU operations in ViennaCL
* Distributed GPU Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector multiplication on Spark
* Distributed OpenMP Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector multiplication on Spark
* Sparse and dense matrix GPU-backed support.
* Fault tolerance by falling back to Mahout JVM counterpart of new solvers
in the case of failure on GPU or OpenMP
* A new scikit-learn-like framework for algorithms with the goal for
creating a consistent API for various machine-learning algorithms and an
orderly package structure for grouping regression, classification,
clustering, and pre-processing algorithms together
* New DRM wrappers in Spark Bindings making it more convenient to create
DRMs from MLLib RDDs and DataFrames
* MahoutConversions adds Scala-like compatibility to Vectors introducing
methods such as toArray() and toMap()

Mahout has historically focused on highly scalable algorithms, and since
moving on from MapReduce-based jobs, Mahout now includes some
Mahout-Samsara based implementations:

* Distributed and in-core Stochastic Singular Value Decomposition (SSVD)
* Distributed Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
* Distributed and in-core QR Reduction (QR)
* Distributed Alternating Least Squares (ALS)
* Collaborative Filtering: Item and Row Similarity based on cooccurrence
and supporting multimodal user actions
* Distributed Naive Bayes Training and Classification


A total of 62 separate JIRA issues are addressed in this release [1].


Download the release artifacts and signatures at
https://mahout.apache.org/general/downloads.html. The examples directory
contains several working examples of the core functionality available in
Mahout. These can be run via scripts in the examples/bin directory. Most
examples do not need a Hadoop cluster in order to run.



As the project moves towards a 0.13.1 release, we are working on the

* Further Native Integration for increased speedups
* JCuda backing for In-core Matrices and CUDA solvers
* Enumeration across multiple GPUs per JVM instance on a given instance
* GPU/OpenMP Acceleration for linear solvers
* Further integration with other libraries such as MLLib and SparkML
* Scala 2.11 Support
* Spark 2.x Support
* Incorporate more statistical operations
* Runtime probing and optimization of available hardware for caching of
correct/most optimal solver


We already see the need for work in these areas:

* Support for native iterative solvers
* A more robust algorithm library
* Smarter probing and optimization of multiplications


Many thanks to Karl Rupp of the ViennaCL [3] project for his help pushing
the bindings through with his many email exchanges; we greatly appreciate
his involvement. Many thanks as well to Samuel Audet of the JavaCPP [4]
project for his help with the team’s usage of JavaCPP to produce the JNI
layer to produce the native bindings for GPU and OpenMP, which was also key
to this major release.


If you are interested in contributing, please see our How to Contribute [2]
page or contact us via email at ***@mahout.apache.org.


As with every release, we wish to thank all of the users and contributors
to Mahout. Please see the and JIRA Release Notes [1] for individual
credits, as there are too many to list here.


* The classify-wikipedia.sh example has an outdated link to the data files.
A workaround is to change the download section of the script to: `curl
-o ${WORK_DIR}/wikixml/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2`
* Currently GPU acceleration for supported operations is limited to a
single JVM instance
* Occasional segfault with certain GPU models and computations
* On older GPUs some tests fail when building ViennaCL due to card
* Currently automatic probing of a system’s hardware happens at each
supported operation, adding some overhead

[2] http://mahout.apache.org/developers/how-to-contribute.html
[3] http://viennacl.sourceforge.net
[4] https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp
