Raviteja Lokineni
2016-08-04 17:22:50 UTC
A JIRA ticket is already open. Will write a follow up mail soon. Analyzing
the test output between before making change and after making change.

Before opening a Jira, could you explain what changes you made on the
We don't use attachments so please include in your text.
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 12:22:44 PM
Subject: Re: Text clustering how to?
Hello Raviteja,
Could you start a JIRA issue for this, and post your output there?
Apache Mahout: Scalable machine learning and data mining<
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just writing code -- it's about doing what you can to make the project
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 12:09:38 PM
Subject: Re: Text clustering how to?
Attaching the test output with failures. Please let me know if you find
anything relevant.
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Raviteja Lokineni <
Alright folks, I removed all the compilation errors after creating a fork
of github repo. FYI.
Running the tests and will see how the tests perform.
I once posted in the ffmpeg mailing list a patch and my God did it put me
off doing so again :) there definitely needs to be more front of shop for
open source projects to entice people to contribute more :)) but the
message is good if not the delivery, there's nothing like getting stuck in
its the biggest and most rewarding learning curve
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for the help. Nice responses. You could have just said you
know the answer.
I know that they have diverged. A point of common sense, I know what
I received on JIRA. Since I wasn't up to the job, I reached out to user
forums for help(not the dev forums mind you).
If the users forums is consisting of sarcastic people no point in having
them. Thank you for the wonderful responses, good day/night.
You did get a reply via jira, please stop spamming Mahout and OpenNLP
mailing listswith the same question.
The book u r looking at 'Taming Text' is from 2011-12, and both OpenNLP
Mahout projects have long diverged from the book.
If u r following the book for ur learning, u may be better off learning
your own from the project.
I think you have got a reply via jira.
On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Raviteja Lokineni <
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Raviteja Lokineni <
Hi all,
I am pretty new to Apache Mahout. I am trying to figure out how to do
clustering, I was following the book Taming Text (Manning). Looking
book I tried to run Mahout and stumbled upon a version
Looks like the code responsible for doing what I needed to do is in
map reduce code. Is there any supported(which is not deprecated or
approach to achieve what I am supposed to do?
Was wondering if someone would push / kick me in the right direction
*Raviteja Lokineni* | Business Intelligence Developer
TD Ameritrade
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*Raviteja Lokineni* | Business Intelligence Developer
TD Ameritrade
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Raviteja Lokineni | Business Intelligence Developer
TD Ameritrade
[View Raviteja Lokineni's profile on LinkedIn]<http://in.linkedin.
Raviteja Lokineni | Business Intelligence Developer
TD Ameritrade
[View Raviteja Lokineni's profile on LinkedIn]<http://in.linkedin.
*Raviteja Lokineni* | Business Intelligence Developer
TD Ameritrade

E: ***@gmail.com

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