Putting artifacts on dist.a.o
Andrew Musselman
2017-02-28 01:09:41 UTC
Assuming this is the right host, I'm getting denied when I try to log onto

$ ssh ***@dist.apache.org
The authenticity of host 'dist.apache.org (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:oOYeSFonYcYK8ffrb9mmWY3hBIUSjllo5uKm+VOjdtE.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'dist.apache.org,' (ECDSA) to the
list of known hosts.
LDAP authorisation check failed
Connection to dist.apache.org closed by remote host.
Connection to dist.apache.org closed.

Do I need to be added to LDAP somehow?

Andrew Musselman
2017-02-28 06:15:04 UTC
Yeah you should have LDAP privileges as PMC.. You may not have them-
- Its the last step in the "making someone a PMC" process and really easy
to forget.. (I was just telling Trevorthat I was guilty of not doing this
for him).
From the JIRA with infra, it looks like you may not need them.
I'll figure out how to grant them just in case.
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 8:09:41 PM
Subject: Putting artifacts on dist.a.o
Assuming this is the right host, I'm getting denied when I try to log onto
The authenticity of host 'dist.apache.org (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:oOYeSFonYcYK8ffrb9mmWY3hBIUSjl
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'dist.apache.org,' (ECDSA) to the
list of known hosts.
LDAP authorisation check failed
Connection to dist.apache.org closed by remote host.
Connection to dist.apache.org closed.
Do I need to be added to LDAP somehow?