Website update
dustin vanstee
2017-06-26 19:57:31 UTC
Hey everyone, just providing a quick status of the website reboot on the
mailing list.


1. get the old-site running with the new github process working with ASF
infra team
-- I think at that point we dont do much more with old website other than
just getting hosted.
-- asf-site should be empty. Infras script build from the directory we
tell them and just copy the static page into `asf-site` branch
2. start working on the new website content and documentation for others
to easily add content, clean up bad links and just make it generally
usable, without worrying to much about the looks
-- once this is done, the website is rebuilt on any commit. e.g. if
someone commits docs- they automatically propagate (this was then goal)
3. scala docs etc etc
-- this is taken care of in gh_pages, e.g. there is already some
plumbing for this
4. find someone to assist with website artistic design

If anyone else has burning topics, pls contribute! thanks
Trevor Grant
2017-06-26 20:44:35 UTC
To point (4) I'm willing to eat this cost my self. I'm actively searching
for designers.
Post by dustin vanstee
Hey everyone, just providing a quick status of the website reboot on the
mailing list.
1. get the old-site running with the new github process working with ASF
infra team
-- I think at that point we dont do much more with old website other than
just getting hosted.
-- asf-site should be empty. Infras script build from the directory we
tell them and just copy the static page into `asf-site` branch
2. start working on the new website content and documentation for others
to easily add content, clean up bad links and just make it generally
usable, without worrying to much about the looks
-- once this is done, the website is rebuilt on any commit. e.g. if
someone commits docs- they automatically propagate (this was then goal)
3. scala docs etc etc
-- this is taken care of in gh_pages, e.g. there is already some
plumbing for this
4. find someone to assist with website artistic design
If anyone else has burning topics, pls contribute! thanks
Brian Taylor
2017-06-26 20:45:28 UTC
Designers of what?

⁣Sent from BlueMail ​
Post by Trevor Grant
To point (4) I'm willing to eat this cost my self. I'm actively searching
for designers.
On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 2:57 PM, dustin vanstee
Post by dustin vanstee
Hey everyone, just providing a quick status of the website reboot on
Post by dustin vanstee
mailing list.
1. get the old-site running with the new github process working with
Post by dustin vanstee
infra team
-- I think at that point we dont do much more with old website
other than
Post by dustin vanstee
just getting hosted.
-- asf-site should be empty. Infras script build from the directory
Post by dustin vanstee
tell them and just copy the static page into `asf-site` branch
2. start working on the new website content and documentation for
Post by dustin vanstee
to easily add content, clean up bad links and just make it generally
usable, without worrying to much about the looks
-- once this is done, the website is rebuilt on any commit. e.g.
Post by dustin vanstee
someone commits docs- they automatically propagate (this was then
Post by dustin vanstee
3. scala docs etc etc
-- this is taken care of in gh_pages, e.g. there is already some
plumbing for this
4. find someone to assist with website artistic design
If anyone else has burning topics, pls contribute! thanks
Trevor Grant
2017-06-26 20:51:59 UTC
Website. Like graphic designers.

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Brian Taylor <
Post by Brian Taylor
Designers of what?
⁣Sent from BlueMail ​
On Jun 26, 2017, 4:44 PM, at 4:44 PM, Trevor Grant <
Post by Trevor Grant
To point (4) I'm willing to eat this cost my self. I'm actively searching
for designers.
On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 2:57 PM, dustin vanstee
Post by dustin vanstee
Hey everyone, just providing a quick status of the website reboot on
Post by dustin vanstee
mailing list.
1. get the old-site running with the new github process working with
Post by dustin vanstee
infra team
-- I think at that point we dont do much more with old website
other than
Post by dustin vanstee
just getting hosted.
-- asf-site should be empty. Infras script build from the directory
Post by dustin vanstee
tell them and just copy the static page into `asf-site` branch
2. start working on the new website content and documentation for
Post by dustin vanstee
to easily add content, clean up bad links and just make it generally
usable, without worrying to much about the looks
-- once this is done, the website is rebuilt on any commit. e.g.
Post by dustin vanstee
someone commits docs- they automatically propagate (this was then
Post by dustin vanstee
3. scala docs etc etc
-- this is taken care of in gh_pages, e.g. there is already some
plumbing for this
4. find someone to assist with website artistic design
If anyone else has burning topics, pls contribute! thanks