Regarding participation in GSOC 2017 - Apache Mahout
Ulrich Stärk
2017-03-15 15:37:43 UTC
Hi Mahout community,

we have got a potential GSoC student here interested in contributing to Mahout. Please help them get




-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Regarding participation in GSOC 2017 - Apache Mahout
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 07:38:48 +0530
From: Aditya <***@gmail.com>
To: dev-***@community.apache.org

Hello admin!

I'm a senior year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science. I intend to be a part of the
Apache Software Foundation and would love to start my journey through the Google Summer of Code this
Particularly, I am interested in contributing to Apache's scalable machine learning framework,
Mahout. I have contacted members of Apache Mahout and would love to contribute to Mahout this
summer. Although, in the ideas page (apache's issues page) I wasn't able to find any Mahout related
issue. I know that in general new ideas / new proposals (apart from those listed in the Ideas page)
are encouraged. But just wanted check with the administration in ASF who are involved with GSoC this

PS: I mailed the same email to the ***@community.apache.org <mailto:***@community.apache.org>
mailing 3 days ago but haven't received any reply yet. Please clarify my question.

Best Regards,
Andrew Musselman
2017-03-15 16:13:07 UTC
Thanks Uli, we've been working with Aditya already; next step is for him to
start submitting an application.

Post by Ulrich Stärk
Hi Mahout community,
we have got a potential GSoC student here interested in contributing to
Mahout. Please help them get
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Regarding participation in GSOC 2017 - Apache Mahout
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 07:38:48 +0530
Hello admin!
I'm a senior year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science. I
intend to be a part of the
Apache Software Foundation and would love to start my journey through the
Google Summer of Code this
Particularly, I am interested in contributing to Apache's scalable machine
learning framework,
Mahout. I have contacted members of Apache Mahout and would love to
contribute to Mahout this
summer. Although, in the ideas page (apache's issues page) I wasn't able
to find any Mahout related
issue. I know that in general new ideas / new proposals (apart from those
listed in the Ideas page)
are encouraged. But just wanted check with the administration in ASF who
are involved with GSoC this
mailing 3 days ago but haven't received any reply yet. Please clarify my question.
Best Regards,