LLR quick clarification
Nikaash Puri
2016-05-04 13:06:45 UTC

Just wanted to clarify a small doubt. On running LLR with primary indicator as view and secondary indicator as purchase. Say, one line of the cross-cooccurrence matrix looks as follows:

view-purchase cross-cooccurrence matrix:

I1 I2:0.9, I3:0.8, ……..

This, in very simple terms then means that purchasing I2 should lead to the recommendation of viewing I1, is that correct? Of course, ignoring the other indicators for now.

Thank you,
Nikaash Puri
Ted Dunning
2016-05-12 18:19:24 UTC
It just means that there is an association. Causation is much more
difficult to ascertain.
Post by Nikaash Puri
Just wanted to clarify a small doubt. On running LLR with primary
indicator as view and secondary indicator as purchase. Say, one line of the
I1 I2:0.9, I3:0.8, 


This, in very simple terms then means that purchasing I2 should lead to
the recommendation of viewing I1, is that correct? Of course, ignoring the
other indicators for now.
Thank you,
Nikaash Puri
Khurrum Nasim
2016-05-12 19:19:03 UTC
hey all ,

#1. where is all the matrix operations code lying in mahout or which packages i should say ?

#2. i have a fairly large JSON string - My question is how can I apply mahout library to it to analyze this string by providing/creating a training model for this string and hopefully reuse the training model on subsequently similar strings ? You’re informed response is appreciated.

Many Thanks,

Post by Ted Dunning
It just means that there is an association. Causation is much more
difficult to ascertain.
Post by Nikaash Puri
Just wanted to clarify a small doubt. On running LLR with primary
indicator as view and secondary indicator as purchase. Say, one line of the
I1 I2:0.9, I3:0.8, ……..

This, in very simple terms then means that purchasing I2 should lead to
the recommendation of viewing I1, is that correct? Of course, ignoring the
other indicators for now.
Thank you,
Nikaash Puri